It was my intention to do an analysis of the various
candidates and discuss a few of the issues. Today I realized that time has run
out and so has my energy. Nevertheless, some of you may be interested in the
notes that I have collected and I have decided to post them. They are based
primarily on the emails the candidates have sent to members and, for some of
them, their websites. Unfortunately, they are rough and incomplete; sorry for
the mess; hopefully there is still something useful there.
The next conservative leader
will, hopefully, be the next Prime Minister of Canada. Yet, the Canadian media
(including our publicly funded CBC) has, until late March[1],
paid only minimal attention to this ongoing race. Apparently, dealing with
fourteen candidates is a bit much for them too. Of course, we did hear all
about the U.S. primaries and were even exposed to their debates. Even the
attention the race has warranted has been focused on personalities (O’Leary,
Leitch) rather than policies.
The leadership race puts
Christian conservatives in a dilemma. Should we pick the candidate that best
represents Biblical social values:
pro-family, pro-life etc or do we vote for the candidate who is best able to
beat Trudeau—who has recently, among other anti-Biblical policies, reintroduced
funding for pro-abortion groups abroad. It’s sad that Canada has come to the
point that some feel that people like Trost should “crawl back under the rock
from which they came” for their “regressive opinions that’s putting the
Conservative party back decades”[2] It’s also sad that a well-known reality t.v.
star with an “it’s all about the money” attitude appeared the most likely possibility
to beat the Liberals.--until he quit the race. We must do our best as citizens but we see that God does
not need a candidate with Christian values to get things HIS way. Who would
have thought that some of Trump’s first executive orders would be pro-life?[3]
Fortunately, Conservatives do
not have to make all-or nothing choice in this race since the party is using a
preferential ballot on which we can rank our preferences. If our first choice
comes last in the first or later ballots, our vote will be assigned to the next
preferred candidate on the list. Nevertheless, serious thought must be given on
the subsequent “least-worse” alternatives.
For those interested,my tentative
list: Lemieux, Trost, Scheer, Bernier, O’Toole, Rait ,Alexander, Chong, Blaney,
Obhrai , Saxton, Peterson,Leitch
Note: CLC = Campaign Life Coalition- They rate on the basis
of records on family friendly issues. Green, Amber, Red; {brackets] are my
-was a Canadian diplomat for eighteen years before being
elected to Parliament in 2011
-served in Moscow;( appalled at Putin’s return to autocracy
and illegal occupation of Ukraine.); & Afghanistan From 2005 to 2009;
Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General for
Afghanistan responsible for political affairs, relations with the Afghan
government, the international community and military; Minister of Citizenship
and Immigration. 2013-2015
lower all taxes on small business, including payroll taxes;
keep corporate taxes lower than those of our major competitors
Trade & Commerce-Complete Canada’s Economic UnIon: complete,
strengthen and fully implement the Agreement on Internal Trade; ensure
qualifications achieved in one province or territory are recognized in all others
and that all Canadians seeking new jobs or new careers have access to skills
training for the new economy;-fully launch a national securities
regulator;-standardize workers’ compensation;-unify corporate registration
requirements; ensure common transport and manufacturing rules; open procurement
to all eligible suppliers;ensure free movement and sale of beer, wine and
Statistics Canada to report on the performance of our economic union;
invest in national infrastructure corridors to
strengthen Canada’s economic
Putting Canadians to Work in the Digital Economy,
planning, discussion & investing
Fighting Terrorism and Its Sponsors-strengthen
Defending Canadian Interests and Values-strengthen
armed forces increase navy (aim for 2% GDP)
a standalone defence procurement agency modelled on the current Australian,
French and/or Dutch equivalents;
Energy- cut taxes
, remove carbon tax, support all pipelines (with strong regulations),campaign
to promote Can. Energy internationally; new nuclear reactors, Candu exports
& fusion research; promote LNG; support hydro, conservation incentives
-deal with climate change through “study, coordinated action to
reduce emissions, and low-tax, market-based solutions”. “without doing further
harm to Canada’s economic development”
Child-care: extend parental leave to up to
18 months; increase the child care cost tax deduction; contribute $1 billion per year, for five
years, to establish a public private partnership tobuild new daycare facilities
in each province and territory—publicly owned (but eventually privatized),
privately operated; federally regulate “early childhood educators”; facilitate
temporary foreign workers if necessary
Poverty and Homelessness :deep tax cuts and strengthen
incentives to work for low income earners, seniors and low income families with
children;large tax deductions for those who move out of province to take full-time jobs;
programme of private sponsors for homeless persons; special programme, to the
prevention and elimination of homelessness among veterans, as well as to research,training and
treatment on PTSD etc; renewal of
federally-funded First Nations housing on reserve;, ensure homes become the
property of their residents[good point stress]; ns a national skills training
programme for unemployed and homeless to
prepare them for entry-level and skilled positions; provide federally-funded
mental health and addiction treatment for the homeless; and strengthen
federally-funded research into poverty and homelessness in Canada, while
identifying most vulnerable groups and most effective solutions.
Trade: seek 50% of Canadian exports
outside North America by 2050 through focus on; CETA; U.K., TPP(reduced
members), agreements with Japan, India, Australia and New Zealand; trade
promotion; free trade with China conditional on progress towards freedom of
speech, free markets, democracy and human rights
Child Care
etc.: extend parental leave to 18 months, strengthen the profession of
Early Childhood Educator, and open 500,000 new quality daycare spaces all
across Canada.
-support-Ukraine-Increase sanctions against Russians,
provide lethal weapons; assist with casualties,, assist with “market-based
reforms, diplomatic support
Companies:; promote investment in Canadian
start-up and growth companies; provide incentives for incubators, accelerators;
highlight the skills, skilled trades, digital fluency and entrepreneurship;
update Canadian intellectual property law; plan to increase spending on
research and development; reduce the regulatory and compliance burden on all
Canadian exporters ; build pipelines, port facilities and other
infrastructure and additional support
for exports
Refugees: “When refugees take the
difficult decision to leave their homes and their countries, or to embark on
dangerous voyages with uncertain prospects, they are acting from despair.” “the
best way to assist refugees and other displaced persons worldwide is to use
negotiation and diplomacy backed by military force to bring about peace
settlements – and to allow those who have fled to return home” Will (i) set annual levels for private
sponsorship up to 20,000 per year, and
commit to a 6-month processing standard; (ii) eliminate backlogs in all
refugee, protected person, humanitarian and compassionate programmes within
eighteen months;(iii) establish new protection teams in priority missions to
identify vulnerable persons and facilitate IRB hearings by videoconference,
with a target of 1,000 cases heard from claimants abroad in the first year;(iv)
for those whose visitor visa applications are refused make available a new visa
conditional on a voluntary commitment not to make an asylum claim in Canada;
-illegal border crossings have to stop, we have the tools
Health Care and Seniors Promises include: provide
pharmacare for the 7% of Canadians who currently lack coverage; allow physicians to charge user fees for
non-essential tests and to allow private labs to compete to deliver services; delay automatic eligibility for Old Age
Security to age 70, starting in 2025;increase the Guaranteed Income Supplement
(GIS) to ensure all those over 65 have a minimum national income of $20,000
Among other
commitments on citizenship, “make all Canadian citizens, regardless of
residency status, eligible to vote” [ I think this is highly questionable—apart
from government employees (military, consulates etc.), those citizens who do
not live in Canada and don’t pay taxes, should not vote];.
[ Some very
well developed proposals but a bit too statist—government must do it—Liberal-lite?;
mind you, he has some good ideas—especially on poverty ]
-forced to resign as minister of foreign affairs because he left
secret documents in home of girl-friend with past links to organized crime (but
re-elected and returned to cabinet eventually)
MP since 2008- Minister of Industry, Foreign Affairs & Industry
-was significantly leading the pack in fund-raising—more than
twice no. of individual donors than rival (since by law limited to $1,200 per
candidate this indicates strong support)
Stands principally for smaller government
Will fix “unfair”
Scrap Carbon
Tax-for competitive reasons
End all
barriers to inter-provincial trade (said
to cost Canada’s
economy as much as $130 billion every year
Drop Corporate Income Tax from 15% to 10%
Permanently expand the accelerated capital cost allowance to all sectors
Remove capital gains tax to make private sector more industrious
Aggressively pursue free trade deals (including China)
Eliminate all corporate welfare (completely stop subsidizing businesses and to reduce their taxes.) This is not only fair, but it is economically efficient. It respects that the free market can make decisions far better than Ottawa bureaucrats. And it will stop the consistent practice of throwing good taxpayer dollars after bad into failing and mismanaged companies. –use this in body
Proposes a flat income tax of 15% for incomes between $15,000 and $100,000 and 25% above that. To be funded by removing “boutique” tax credits
- believes current immigration system working—disagrees with
out supply management (see above
CRTC out of telecom
Balance the budget within 2 years
Reduce gun controls
infrastructure is a provincial and
local matter. ;Federal politicians should not be touring the country
promising to fund stuff that’s not part of Ottawa’s responsibilities. (against
Scheer who has promised Quebec a new bridge)
Security- “life means life”
Minister for Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.
need to reform the CRA;I want to end CRA bullying; I want a fair and simple tax
code;I want CRA agents to be held accountable.;They must be reminded
that they are there to serve Canadians. I want the Auditor General’s
recommendations to have teeth and be fully implemented.
A Conservative Party under my
leadership will not hide and will stand against the rise of extremism.
- Put together a royal Commission on Canadian identity which identifies rights and responsibilities that come with citizenship.
- Form a tactical intervention group with the RCMP and the CSIS, to counter acts of terror here and abroad.
Re Illegals.
Give more powers
to the CSIS surveillance committee in order to protect Canadians’ privacy. Increase the RCMP and the CBSA’s resources at the
immigration laws to make it less easy for illegal migrants to apply for refugee
status after illegally entering the country;
Work in
partnership with cities and provinces to combat illegal immigration.
Came out strongly against Muslim imams who advocated the killing of Jews,
etc.. “As Public Safety Minister, I specifically wanted to curb this problem
with Bill C-51. Inciting violence against others is a direct attack on
Canadians’ basic fundamental rights.”
- Against dropping supply management; calls Berniers recommendation to collect a levy to pay off quotas—a tax on milk
- Will dismantle reserves and restoring the dignity of First Nations people with accountability, responsibility and equity.
Must get energy to markets
not-withstanding clause to ensure murderers do not go free due to court delays.
Acquire 8 nuclear-powered submarines to defend Arctic
-put forward private members bill tightening penalties on drunk
Against M103—strongly against Sharia law
First Time-homeowners-Create
a new tax credit on interest paid
so as to allow first time home buyers to deduct up to $5000 per year; Raise the current tax credit from $5000 to
$10 000 for first time home buyers.;Increase the Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) from
$25 000 to $50 000 in order to reflect increased in property values;
eliminate the Liberals’ excessive mortgage stress test, which is a heavy handed
approach that hurts home buyers in modest housing markets. [seems inappropriate
at this time of drastically increasing house prices in Vancouver, Tronto]
CLC- red—voted
anti-family issues but is against late-stage abortions
-pushing reform of party to give party members more say
& increasing power of indidvidual MP’s
- Balance budget in two years
- -Tax: Reduce personal income taxes by $14.9 billion a year. This would be an absolute reduction in personal income taxes of 10%
- Flatten the personal income tax system from five rates to two rates, keeping the current 15% and 29% rates and the current thresholds [not necessary]
- Simplify the personal income tax system by eliminating half of the $22.9 billion in tax expenditures identified by the Fraser Institute
- Reduce corporate income taxes by $1.9 billion a year. This would be an absolute reduction in corporate income taxes of 5%
- Will privatize CMHC—supposed to make banks more able to lend to small businesses rather than (government guaranteed) mortgages.; Cause of skyrocketing house prices: “Government interference in the housing market, through the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC),: Privatize CMHC’s mortgage insurance and securitization business; supposed to make housing more affordable since government mortgage lending contributes to “bubble” in house pricing [may reduce prices but will prevent others from getting mortgages]
- Help low-income Canadians by doubling the “working income tax credit. [good idea but just another way of reducing income tax] [note-is something for the poor]
Introduce a revenue neutral Federal
Carbon Tax (instead of Trudeau Carbon Tax)—later says simply “scrap the carbon
my plan allows us to implement some of the
biggest income tax cuts in Canada’s history.
government regulations, green programs and green subsidies. And it reduces
- Eliminate "green" regulations, programs, funds and indirect subsidies
- Favours supply management\
- Increase power of individual MP’s
- Freedom of Speech- voted against M103 and C16
- Make maternity and parental benefits tax-free
- End Canada’s dependence on foreign oil
- Make borders secure
- Stand with Israel
- Make independent school tuition tax-deductible and tax credit for home schoolers
- 2% of GDP on defense
-anti Bombardier executive salary increases; should have
been restricted as condition of subsidy [rather than against subsidy]
CLC-red-“progressive-liberal leanings”
-6 years as MP; served as the Minister of
Labour and Minister for the Status of Women
Anti- M103 “Islamaphobia”-freedom of
Stresses Canadian values:
“the Canadian identity is grounded in the values of hard work, generosity,
freedom, tolerance, equality of individuals, and equality of opportunity”... “mean
that all who subscribe to these values are welcome here no matter where they
were born”. Testimony before the
Senate Standing Committee on National Security and Defence tells us that
"only between nine and fifteen percent of immigrants receive an interview
with a visa officer before they come to Canada"
“, I am committed to ensuring that all immigrants, refugees,
and visitors to Canada receive a face-to-face interview with a trained
immigration official [ sounds OK –depends on what is meant by Canadian values
but she has left it open to comparison with Trump & extreme nationalists;
CLC thinks.” This
"values" test could end up banning social conservatives from entering
Canada”. Since it is OK for muslims to lie to infidels, will jihadis answer
questions truthfully?]
Wants the law enforced against illegal immigrants crossing
into Canada · I will ensure that illegal border crossers are detained,
questioned, and returned to the United States
· I will ensure that any city that declares itself a sanctuary does not receive federal funding for transportation
· I will ensure that any city that declares itself a sanctuary does not receive federal funding for transportation
will reinstate the Mexican
visa requirement.
Cap on government
spending’ balanced budget.; force each department to review expenses and cut by
5 percent; bring the growth in the public sector under control, including
salaries and benefits.
No national carbon tax (leave to provinces)
A 5-point plan to
ensure that natural resource development in Canada proceeds without illegal
interference. (anti-vandalism etc.)
“Our party membership voted and supports the supply
management system. If this policy is to change, that change must come from the
Mexican Visa requirement
supported the Harper government’s
decision to scrap the long-gun registry I believe the current regulations we have
regarding firearms are adequate but I think we can improve the regulatory
system in the following ways:
1.We should recognize that guns are
personal property and should be treated as such by the government.
2.There is too much subjectivity in the classification system. It should be replaced with clear objective criteria to ensure certainty for gun owners.
3.Firearms classifications should not be the sole purview of the RCMP. Those decisions should be made by an organization made up of Canadian citizens including primarily those who use guns — farmers, sports shooters, and hunters — as well as law enforcement.
4.Gun licenses should be good for 10 years (from the current 5) to reduce the paperwork burden for law-abiding gun owners.
2.There is too much subjectivity in the classification system. It should be replaced with clear objective criteria to ensure certainty for gun owners.
3.Firearms classifications should not be the sole purview of the RCMP. Those decisions should be made by an organization made up of Canadian citizens including primarily those who use guns — farmers, sports shooters, and hunters — as well as law enforcement.
4.Gun licenses should be good for 10 years (from the current 5) to reduce the paperwork burden for law-abiding gun owners.
Anti-M103 on basis of “free speech”
-against legalizing marijuana
-very strident
For “free speech,
M-103 with use of terms such as ‘Islamophobia’, which are meant to shutdown
open discussion and debate.; criticizes Liberals for encouraging opposition to pro-life ads etc,
Criminalize killing of unborn without mother’s consent-(re
murder of mother and unborn child)
-good video on Life issues—will lead with government
bill—not just wait for private members bill
-decries Liberal reduction on defense spending while having
half-a-billion dollars to fund abortion overseas
security and respect for democracy”
Raised concerns about Liberal discussion paper to make
parliament more efficient-closure etc.
Wants social conservative policies to be discussable within
party—not “Liberal-lite”
-suggests some reasonable fire-arms review
-opposed to Liberal decision to legalize marijuana
Increase defense spending to @% of GDP
CLC-evaluation pending
Formerly Parliamentary Secretary to
the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Trade- To counter Trump, split NAFTA into 3 bilateral
agreements (Canada-U.S., Canada-Mexico, U.S.-Mexico)
No Carbon Tax; instead use waste
from existing nuclear plants to fuel “Fast Neutron Reactors” to create energy.
[not clear that is long or short-term solutions and how that would be
Health Care
- will create a national agency that will
standardize qualifications in order to fill the gaps in our healthcare.
Affordable drug and
medicine- will create a task force to look into initiatives such as pharma care
and/or initiatives with industry, healthcare professionals and the provinces to
understand and address the gaps.
Public Safety;Tough
and appropriate sentencing for crimes;supporter of the Victims’ Bill of Rights
Advocate for the right of Canadians to own recreational arms, while
keeping the gun registry extinct;Anti-radicalization measures such as the
creation of community centres where programs are in place to prevent the
radicalization of youths;Ensure our law enforcement officers have
the funds and legal framework to keep Canada safe;terrorism - focus on:
Intelligence gathering, sharing and cooperation between forces and agencies;
physical barriers; operational capabilities;empower our law forces, and improve
the effectiveness of police;strengthening and reinforcing our border
control! The systems in place are doing their job to protect Canadians and they
must be allowed to ;Indigenous people-Indian Act is
“colonial”—decentralize services from Indigenous Affairs department to all
other departments—treat all Canadians equally
Give native
governments more “home rule”
-former Veteran Affairs
has support of 26 fellow MP’s
-my plan allows us to implement
some of the biggest income tax cuts in Canada’s history.
My plan also eliminates government
regulations, green programs and green subsidies. And it reduces GHGs.
balance the
budget in two years-if possible (4 years max) [he seems to be making realistic
I will reduce the lowest rate of tax by 2 points to
13%. –to help the most needy
I'll also cut the top rate by 2 points.
I'll also cut the top rate by 2 points.
small business tax rate to 9%
I'll deliver the first half of my tax cut plan immediately, to get the economy moving.
The second half will come after the budget is balanced, as a reward for our fiscal discipline.
I'll deliver the first half of my tax cut plan immediately, to get the economy moving.
The second half will come after the budget is balanced, as a reward for our fiscal discipline.
Cut small business tax rate
“Generation Kickstart”-A tax
credit to give graduates and apprentices an extra $100,000 personal exemption
to help pay down student debt
-major review of regulations
-a strategice pipelines act to
fast-track resource review process
public safety, access to justice and fairness
for victims seriously.
- reaffirm tougher penalties for violent crime.
- reaffirm tougher penalties for violent crime.
- reform the Not Criminally Responsible designation.
- amend the Criminal Code to ensure free or conditional pardons are not permitted for murder, aggravated sexual assault, sexual abuse of children, and child pornography.
- Use “not-withstanding clause” to prevent serious criminals to go free due to court delays and increase no. of judges.
Apply Safe
Third Country Agreement, I will endorse our law and defend our rules-based
system for immigrationto stop the illegal
flow of migrants from the United States.
trade agreements with U.K, Australia & New Zealand
mortgage amortization rates to 30 years for first time buyers
UN reform by holding back 10% of funding
to increase defense spending to 2% of GDP
Marijuana-“ will not re-criminalize marijuana. It will be
impossible to put the smoke back in the bong; will put a focus on public
health concerns and ensure that young people are educated about health risks;l
also ensure that police across the country have access to the equipment they
need to test for impaired driving; will work with the United States to ensure
our citizens can continue to visit and work across the border. [this appears to
be a reasonable approach]
Peterson, Rick
pro-choice, pro-same-sex-marriage,
pro-LGBT rights, pro-assisted-suicide. H
-will eliminate
corporate income tax (businesses are not people, they are entities that pass on
costs, including taxes, to consumers.)—add this to post
-increasing GST
to 9% while increasing tax credits to the poor
-cut all corporate
[Note these three policies must
go together]
-a flat 15%
personal income tax
Notes this is similar to what
Brad Wall just did
-Reduce barriers
to intra-provincial trade
- leave health
care delivery entirely to the provinces, which, , is their responsibility under
the Constitution and allow private care alongside the public system [can’t have
.fight against
drugs-It’s time to turn those profits on the
dealers by implementing a bounty system that rewards citizens with a
significant percentage of money seized from a dealer they identify.
Lisa Rait
Grew up poor in Cape Breton; wants
to be leader for all Canadians
MP for Milton/Halton, On since 2008
Claims she’s “the only candidate
who can win in 2019 running with policy positions that “maintain the unifying
Harper Conservative Party themes”.
-served as Minister of Natural
Resources, Minister of Labour and Minister of Transport and following the 2015
federal election, the finance critic
-criticized Trudeau for taking 3
days before condemning Asad’s chemical attack; - in the past, Canada “ stood up
against the evils perpetrated by people like Putin and Assad with words and
heath care care plan would be built
around four pillars:
A Canadian Autism Partnership working with provinces
- A National Dementia Strategy
- Tackling the Challenge of Rare Diseases by investing in early diagnosis…,
- Driving Efficiency and Innovation
Smaller,Smarter Government:
· Balancing the Budget and
implementing a taxpayer protection act
· Reducing the Size of the
Federal Government – by subjecting every government spending program and
initiative to review, looking t eliminate government wherever possible.
· Decentralizing Government
– -mre to provinces & municipalities
Tax plan
--no tax
on the first $15,000 of income [up from current $11,474 (save $500)
--reduce the small business tax rate from 10.5% to 9%.
--axe the carbon tax.
--return the upper
limit on Tax-Free Savings Accounts to $10,000 a year
CLC- green but does not support for leadership because of
some recent concerns
by Arnold Viersen,the current chair of the Parliamentary Pro-Life Caucus and
other pro-life MP’s.
Promises to make (the first $4,000) independent school
tuition tax-deductible and offering a tax credit to homeschoolers
-someone “whose faith is integral to my life” –strongly
favours religious freedon
Former Speaker of the House, 13 years MP; support of most
MP’s including Quebecers;
candidate to unite the party; “Harper with a smile”
Promises to:
budget in 2 years
property rights in the charter of rights
- Seek out new free trade deals with our partners and allies like the United Kingdom
- Remove all physical trade barriers between provinces by enforcing Section 121 of the Constitution
Canadians have access to cheaper airfare by:Removing foreign ownership
restrictions on airlines;Lowering airport taxes
- Will make maternity benefits and parental benefits tax-free [questionable-taxing them makes them needs related; wealthy people don’t need this benefit; a tax cost that will have to be made up in some other way to meet his deficit target]
will phase out corporate welfare. No more bailouts for giant
corporations.No more federal ministers picking winners and losers.
- Will scrap carbon tax (have never seen a “revenue neutral carbon tax”); take HST/GST off home heating
Supported by largest number of MP’s (23); most likely to keep
the party united?
Is bilingual
“an unabashed policy guy who keeps his eye on what's
important”-Chuck Strahl
-wants to reduce gun regulations
-wants to keep border secure; stop illegal immigrants from
crossing (North Dakota is safe)
-will cut funding to universities that do not permit free speech
-must fight ISIS by returning to bombing and get Saudi
Arabia & other countries to take fair share of refugees
-violent criminals should face real conse1uences--Ioutraged that Vince Li, who
murdered, beheaded and cannibalized a stranger on a Greyhound Bus, was granted
his freedom.
message from Maurice
Vellacott-Former Chair of the Parliamentary Pro-Life
have consequences, which is why I will NOT be voting for Andrew Scheer in
our party's upcoming leadership election.
Last May, at the Conservative
Party Policy Convention in Vancouver, Andrew defended the decision to
remove support of marriage as a union between one man and one woman from our
party's policy declaration, calling the policy "anachronistic"
(old fashioned). According to Campaign Life, Andrew "caved under
pressure from homosexual activists and their media allies, to abandon his
principles on marriage and the natural family."
September, at a press conference to announce his candidacy for the CPC
Leadership, Andrew made other disturbing comments. He told reporters that
his government would follow the Harper policy of not reopening the abortion
debate, stating that his objective as leader would be to "unify
the party." When pressed to explain, Andrew repeated that as party
leader or Prime Minister he would not reopen questions of abortion or
same-sex marriage, stating "the caucus and party have already agreed
those are settled."But this is simply untrue. Delegates at
the Vancouver Convention may have voted to remove support for traditional
marriage from our party’s policy declaration, but those very same delegates
voted in favour of a ban on gender-selection abortions which target baby girls
just because they're girls, as well as legislation to punish those who injure
or kill an unborn child during a violent attack on his or her mother.”
why Scheer is 3rd on my list]
CLC –Green- Active member of Parliaments Pro-Life Caucus
Voted against C309, Gender Equality for good reasons
Spoke at March for Life for past 12 years & will do so
this year
MP for 12 years
Will remove Bill c16 (bathroom bill) from laws-if passed
“not comfortable with the whole gay thing”, promised will
never participate in gay pride events or subsidize them.—“oversexualized and
inappropriate for public viewing”—will not apologize for such comments.
-will introduce a parental bill of rights –using
non-withstanding clause if necessary-
Will replace current gun control legislation with something
less restrictive [but still reasonable]
will introduce a Parental Bill
of Rights to give federal protection in law to the parental rights of all
Canadians. I will also repeal any anti-spanking bill brought in by
Justin Trudeau.
Supports privatising CBC—has introduced a private members
bill to do so.
Will repeal Trudeau’s cannabis bill
suspend immigration to Canada from countries or regions that support, encourage
or harbour terrorists or Islamic extremism.Genuine refugees from these
countries or regions who are fleeing persecution and who reject the culture of
hate and extremism that permeates these countries and regions will continue to
be welcome in Canada. This includes, for example, Copts, Amadiyans and Baha'i.
from safe third countries should NOT be encouraged NOR accepted. Canada
must protect its southern borders from being infiltrated by economic refugees
from safe third countries, as with those who are sneaking across Canada's
border with the U.S. from Minnesota into Manitoba or elsewhere.—use
nothwitstanding clause if necessary.